Discover what a safe and regulated nervous system feels like.

Dr. Kate Anderson & Kimberley Crisp

We are so happy you are here.


 Nurturers, caregivers and experts at "holding the space", we are both so incredibly happy you are here to discover how you can take the reigns of your nervous system to find your way back to a life of regulation.


Both of us have spent our careers supporting children (in a childcare setting and in a clinical setting) and in our processes, we always return full-circle to where the parent's nervous system is operating. On top of our professional experience - we really do live this life and walk the talk - we are in it with you! We are so honoured to have you embark on this journey of self-discovery and nervous system nourishment to find your sweet spot of "grace and ease".

Dr. Kate is a pediatric and pregnancy chiropractor, mother and polyvagal coach with a passion for internal, sustainable nervous system regulation.

 Kimberley's passions are ritual, rhythm and play and has spent her career supporting teachers, parents and carers how to incorporate these elements into their homes and centres.

Together, our unique approach offers internal regulation within your own nervous system first, followed by creating safety in the external environment - to truly create sustainable regulation for the whole 'family' unit.

Calm is not the goal.. regulation is.

Find the course that is right for you. 

Regulated Parents..Calm Kids

Our hallmark 4 week coaching course.
Discover what it means to parent with 'grace and ease'. Uncover your stress platform, how to reset it, and create safety in your nervous system. This is your complete nervous system reset for the whole family using our unique approach of polyvagal tools, ritual, rhythm and play.


Take this course
CPR: Conscious Breath, Presence & Rhythm

In this immersive online workshop, you will learn how to become aware of your breath to use as a tool for self-discovery and nervous system healing. Using conscious breathing methods, presence, ritual and play we will guide you to reset your stress platform and tap into a deeper sense of awareness, connection and balance.

Take this webinar
21 Days of Conscious Regulation

Join us from August 1 - 21 for this LIVE experience of regulation.

Create safety in your nervous system, embrace calm and leave overwhelm behind. We know life is busy - so these simple tools will take 5-15 minutes per day.. and will give you the tools you need to start a lifetime of regulation.

Take this Journey

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