Our Nervous System shapes how we navigate our world  and how we show up to the children in our lives.

Our nervous system platform dictates how we engage with and respond to our world - including how we engage with our children. Being able to be flexible and responsive to the state of our nervous system is how we can achieve a regulated and balanced life. Learn how to respond rather than react to your children and how you can create space in your own nervous system in order to hold a safe space for them.  

Dip your toe into a regulated nervous system. Download your Glimmer Worksheet here.



 As parents, teachers and carers, we want to do the best by our children and are determined to "know better, do better". Yet, for such a connected society, we have never been more disconnected from our nervous system and from our body.

Nervous system regulation does not been calm 24/7. What human can do that?

It means flexibility.

Can we leave a space of regulation and get back there quickly?

Learning to befriend our nervous system means we can start to live our life through a new lens. This is where we can relearn regulation baselines.. and teach our over-protective nervous systems "anchors" to indicate that we're safe.. and then model this to be true co-regulators with our children.



Read our story

Resources for every stage of the journey

Regulated Parents.. Calm Kids

Join Dr. Kate and Kimberley Crisp for some serious nervous system nourishment. If you feel constantly locked in a stress response - this is the reset for you. You will discover your stress platform, how to change it, how to reset your child's and what to do when your children trigger you. Through polyvagal tools, rhythm, ritual and PLAY we will create an environment of regulation - inside and out.

Find Out More
Regulated Teachers.. From Overwhelm to Overflow

Tried deep breathing and meditation but still feeling overwhelmed? Know what you should be doing in your centre but struggling to implement it? Are your teachers sick, overwhelmed and burnt out?

Join us on a regulation journey where we will guide you and your team to balance your nervous systems and start to fill from an overflow.

Take this course
CPR: Conscious Breath, Presence & Rhythm

Dr. Kate Anderson & Kimberley Crisp will guide you through various nervous system specific breathing practices and give you practical tools to create present rituals to create grounded flow in your life. This is not a breath work class! This is our unique combination of internal & external regulation: polyvagal tools, vagus nerve healing, ritual, rhythm and play.

Go to CPR: Conscious Breath, Presence & Rhythm

David Cordova

I’ve seen a transformation in every aspect of my life. Thank you, Victoria!

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

Victoria showed me it was OK to be me and taught me how to love life again.

Rebecca Waters

The latest from our blog

Support Your Nervous System Over the Holidays!

Dec 16, 2024

Come and Learn with Us!

Regulated Parents.. Calm Kids

Join Dr. Kate & Kimberley Crisp in their 4-week nervous system reset for parents and children alike. Find out where your stress platform is, how to change it (using applied polyvagal tools) and create an environment for regulation using rhythm, ritual and PLAY. This is a game changer for all things regulation and includes weekly live coaching calls.

Find Out More
Conscious Breath

Learn how to become aware of your breath to use as a tool for self-discovery and nervous system healing. Using conscious breathing methods, presence, ritual and play we will guide you to reset your stress platform and tap into a deeper sense of awareness, connection and balance.

Start this course
More than Milestones

If babies came with an instruction manual. Bust through opinions, misleading information and conflicting advice. This is the complete and practical guide to supporting your child's brain development for the first year of life.. and beyond.

Start this Course!

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