Navigate Feeding  Challenges with Confidence

Tongue Tied! Is the informed parents guide to all things feeding and oral ties with hands on assessment tools and practical exercises to do with your baby at home to minimise feeding challenges. Whether you are relearning latch after an oral tie release, or working on compensation patterns without a release, this mini-course will guide you and inform you.

Buy this Mini-Course

What are Oral Ties?

And why do they even matter? Are they a fad? Do they need to be released? How can we find a provider who is confident with the latest research?


Learn how to assess (or to find a provider who can assess) baby's latch thoroughly (hint: you have to feel it!) and for any oral ties.


Hands on Exercises

The most important part of navigating feeding challenges is knowing what exercises you can do to support the nerve pathways and the relearning process.

Navigate Feeding Challenges with Confidence

Too often, feeding challenges are brushed aside or blamed on the mother. This guide gives you practical ways to assess what is going on with your baby's latch, how to improve it with brain-based exercises at home and how to make the decision if a tongue tie release is the right choice for your family.

What you're getting:

Learn what makes up a good latch, what oral ties are and how they impact feeding, as well as the whole body.

Learn how to asses your baby's latch and how to assess for a tongue and /or lip tie so you can choose a provider who is confident in oral ties.

Get access to hands-on brain based exercises you can do at home to support brain development as well as feeding pathways pre- or post-release or if you're using a wait-and-see-approach.

Navigate this journey with confidence so you can relax and enjoy this time with your baby.

Join this Mini-Course Today

Navigate this journey with confidence by bringing together research, information and hands-on practical advice. No need to scroll google while trying to filter out overwhelming advice and contradictory messaging - this guide brings it all together into one course.

Buy Tongue Tied! for $39 NZD