2 monthly payments of $180 NZD

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Regulated Teachers - 2x Monthly Payment Plan

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Nurturers, caregivers and experts at "holding the space", we are both so incredibly happy you are here to discover how you can take the reigns of your nervous system to find your way back to a life of regulation.

Both of us have spent our careers supporting children (in a childcare setting and in a clinical setting) and in our processes, we always return full-circle to where the adult's nervous system is operating. On top of our professional experience - we really do live this life and walk the talk - we are in it with you! We are so honoured to have you embark on this journey of self-discovery and nervous system nourishment to find your sweet spot of "grace and ease".

What we'll cover:

  • Week 1: Your Nervous System & Co-Regulation.

  • Week 2: Stress Platforms, archetypes and the role of the Vagus nerve

  • Week 3: Ritual, Rhythm & Co-Regulation

  • Week 4: Play & Pottering

  • Every week includes:
    • Self-paced training modules
    • Self-discovery home exercises
    • Polyvagal exercises
    • Live Q&A / accountability group call (bi-weekly)
    • Full support from us with the guidance and tools to reset your nervous system.
    • Access to our Regulated Teachers Community

You will gain access right away.





Refund Policy:

Due to the nature of this course, no refunds are given.

IMPORTANT: ensure you check the box to be subscribed to emails AND confirm your subscription so you can get important course announcements and live call information. We will never spam you and respect a calm inbox 

Please note that in no way is this course a replacement for professional medical guidance.



What People Are Saying:

I like to consider myself a peaceful parent and practitioner, but in my parenting journey, I have sometimes found myself flicking to my sympathetic part of my nervous system (although I never really knew much about my nervous system until learning from this course). I have never been able to 'understand' any of it before - just felt flat that I couldn't always live up to being a peaceful parent (I am also totally fine when it comes to teaching - I am THE most patient kaiako ever, so I really struggled to understand why I sometimes wasn't the same with my own kids). Anyway...I guess for me, this whole course has been a huge journey for me to unlock the key to the understanding of everything!!! It really has been a revelation! I am using it daily - the techniques and journaling and just being more aware of my triggers and how I'm feeling. I can't thank you enough for sharing this with the world. It has helped me address many of my issues from growing up that I have brought with me into adulthood. I really appreciate your amazing insight into the nervous system.

Victoria (ECE Kaiako, Parent & Center Owner)

I’m doing the exercises everyday and love them. My boys do the stretching before bed and every second or third night will have tape too. They like it! I have noticed that there is space between myself and the kids emotions; I get wrapped up into their turmoil much less, and am able to “keep my cool” for much longer and see it for what it is. So this is a massive change here, which is great.


I have always wondered how to 'do the work' everyone talks of. I am reflective, open and am always researching/ talking about parenting strategies and my own mental wellbeing. But I was also wondering is this what people mean? Am I doing enough? When I saw this course I thought yes, maybe this is my answer! Kate and Kimberly are both so knowledgeable. they have a passion for their work and are both such experts in their field. This collaboration worked so well and I always felt supported, understood and equipped with the knowledge and tools I needed to move forwards and make sustainable positive change for both me and my whanau. I want to say I've completed the course but really I don't feel I have, this is a lifetime investment, and I plan or revise, review and revisit the content again and again. Thank you so much Kate and Kimberly, you're both such shining lights 💖

Kate (Parent & Primary Teacher)

The course is firstly 100% value for money, so incredibly informative and has made me understand how we, as humans work emotionally. I would flip out at my kids once I would reach my limit (and some days that limit was low) and I would wollow in guilt and shame immediately afterwards. I always thought wtf is wrong with me, why can’t I just be the mum I desire and know I can be. I’d almost know exactly would I ‘should’ve‘ done or said in ‘that’ situation but I did the complete opposite. If this has ever been you… I urge you to make the life changing investment for you and your children! It’s changed me, my parenting, my children and brought so much more awareness and joy to my life. Kate and Kimberly are so supportive, non-judgmental and have the best nurturing solutions and advice!

Suzy (Homeschooling Parent)

Thank you Kate and Kimberley for your information and expertise! I’ve learned so much about myself and my nervous system, and now see my kids “play” in such a different light. Having these tools is going to be invaluable as they grow, and everything was relayed so clearly and easy to take in - even the scientific parts! I would highly recommend this course to anyone with babies and children!

Caitlin L