What is Polyvagal Theory?

nervous system healing parenting parents polyvagal theory regulation vagus nerve Sep 14, 2023

Polyvagal theory is the science of being safe. 😌

Our nervous system is programmed to monitor our environment, and scan for safety or danger. 🚨 This is pre-conscious. We don’t even know it is happening.

In our early years, our nervous system can be wired to be more sensitive to stress.. so it’s a little too activated, or a little too DEactivated.

❕You can’t talk your way to regulation.

You have to feel it.

Polyvagal work is quite simply an amazing, easy to implement and highly effective way of disembodying stress pathways that no longer serve us. Using polyvagal tools we can pull ourselves out of the stress cycle and reset our stress platform, improve our regulation and create space in our nervous system to live beautiful, connected life..

In Regulated Parents..Calm Kids we layer these hands-on tools with ritual, rhythm and play to help you lead a beautiful, regulated life.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?


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Step out of overwhelm and into regulation. Courses designed for the parent and teacher in mind. Regulation using polyvagal theory, ritual, rhythm and play. You are so welcome.

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