Triggers and Polyvagal Theory

Sep 18, 2023

"When you get triggered, and slip into a state of stress, you lose the ability to be able to  navigate from your heart." - Kimberley Crisp.


We all have them.. and our children (as much as we love the heck out of them!) can trigger us SO much. If you're anything like me, it will usually be when I'm feeling overwhelmed by other things and they bear the brunt of the overwhelm simply by being children.

Nervous system regulation means that rather than reacting to these triggers, we can respond.

The brain doesn’t remember trauma. The body does. When we get overwhelmed, the body goes into autopilot and these reactions were hardwired into our nervous system very early on in our own childhood (you know how you open your mouth sometimes and your mothers voice comes out?).

The polyvagal work that we do together in our courses gives you the capacity to be curious and responsive vs reactive and then defensive. Triggers are just unhealed parts of ourselves. They are not who we are or the parents we are. They are a stress cycle that has not been completed, and/or a part of ourselves that we have shoved down and classified as unworthy and unloveable.

Polyvagal work will reframe triggers for you as we complete the stress cycle and release trauma from the body.

It does not mean you will not get triggered. I still do! But my capacity for responsiveness is higher. I can reflect and respond rather than impulsively act on the trigger and lose it. Using polyvagal tools we can “plug the leaks” long before it becomes a cascade at the end of our day and if we do lose it, we can ground back down quickly afterwards.

It’s a beautiful place to parent from and to partner from. We will be doing a TONNE of work on triggers in our upcoming course.. Join the waitlist here xx

Step out of overwhelm and into regulation. Courses designed for the parent and teacher in mind. Regulation using polyvagal theory, ritual, rhythm and play. You are so welcome.

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