The First Twelve Months

baby brains baby development first year natural movement patterns tummy time Aug 21, 2022
baby on tummy looking at camera, women in background

Why do we hear so much about development in the first 12 months? Because it's where the magic happens.

The baby's brain takes in 1 million nerve connections every single second. So, every single experience, interaction and input from the environment is creating a neural connection.

The ones that are repeated, get reinforced. The ones that get repeated and reinforced stay and the ones that don't eventually they get pruned off and they disappear. This is why the first 12 months is so vital.

We need consistent repetition of strong neural pathways that lay down foundational  movement patterns. When movement becomes automatic, the brain can then move on to higher functions (like learning and emotional regulation). Movement HAS to be automatic, before we can move on to emotional intelligence, emotional regulation and being able to "self soothe". Movement HAS to be automatic, reinforced, laid down and wired that way before we can move on to higher learning to actually be able to DO things like maths, music, writing and reading. Most of that automation happens in the first year of life and even though it doesn't really get completed until six or seven years of age, the foundation from that first year is what sets the tone for all later learning.

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