My baby needs to self regulate..

Oct 06, 2022

Yes they do! And do you know how they do this?


By you modelling it.


Babies are born into a sympathetic state. This means they are born into an activated nervous system state (that we can often call fight or flight). In order to move into the more calm, regulated part of their nervous system (what we call ventral vagal) they need to learn HOW.


They learn how by CONNECTION.


All infants need a rock-solid, meaningful and responsive connection with at least one trusted caregiver.

When we leave babies to cry, they are not learning to self-sooth. They are not maturing the ventral vagal (calm and regulated part of the nervous system). Instead, they activate more into flight or fight and, eventually move into a chronic stress response that we know as freeze.

The next time someone suggests you are spoiling your baby by responding to them fully and timely - just smile and say thank you. That's exactly what you are meant to be doing - spoiling them into regulation.


Trust your intuition. You've got this.

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