How's your Breathing?

Jul 02, 2023

Your breath is one of your most accessible tools for processing stress from your nervous system.. however, for it to be most impactful, we need to know our own personal roadmap to regulation.

Have you ever tried to breathe yourself calm and lost it anyway?

Have you ever done a Breathwork class and it left you feeling depleted or stuck in a freeze response?

Do you rush through life and then struggle to unwind even when you use all the breath tools recommended?

Using the breath we can hack out autonomic nervous system and therefore create a roadmap to regulation. But like all maps we need a starting point.

Join us for our upcoming workshop where we will help you to figure out where you are and how you can use your breath to navigate ANY stress response you’re in.

This is NOT a Breathwork class.

This is a workshop of our hands on tools to support regulation internally (your autonomic nervous system) and externally (your environment).

Step out of overwhelm and into regulation. Courses designed for the parent and teacher in mind. Regulation using polyvagal theory, ritual, rhythm and play. You are so welcome.

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