Help! My baby is behind in their milestones..

Oct 11, 2022

If your baby isn’t meeting their milestones.. don’t push forward.

Instead, focus on what they ARE doing. In other words.. drop back.
What does this mean?

If baby is struggling with tummy confidence - focus on head control (making sure you are differentiating between a tight neck and a strong neck).

If baby is struggling with rolling - focus on tummy confidence on the floor or on a ball.

If baby is struggling with crawling- focus on rolling and shoulder stability.

If baby is not walking confidently - encourage crawling flexibility. Make courses for them to crawl around to enable confidence and body awareness. Get them crawling on different textures and inclines. Take off their socks and shoes.

Never push forward when baby is struggling. Babies are wired for progression. If they are not moving forward, explore why this may be and support them to build the scaffolding before rushing them on.

Always drop back!

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