Filling from an Overflow .. a Guide to Regulation

nervous system healing parenting parents polyvagal theory regulation vagus nerve Sep 10, 2023

There's a saying that goes “you can’t fill from an empty cup”..

I like to take that a step further and say that you can ONLY fill from an overflow. So unless your nervous system is FLOWING with regulation and flexibility.. how are you expected to get your kids into a calm and regulated state?

Introducing.. Stress Platforms

Our nervous system has a platform - this is the baseline of our nervous system and this was developed for us in our childhood. This is our default setting - where we live each day, and this is not something we can consciously control (this is why affirming “I am calm, I am calm,” does not often work and will send our kids into more dysregulation). We have a set neurology that we live our life through and that we parent through.

Your stress platform is what determines how well regulated you are in your day to day life.
Yelling at your kids, feeling distracted, rushing around keeping busy, overwhelmed and disconnected are all signs that your stress-baseline is off.

It was set in your childhood but can be reset in adulthood, You just need to find out where it is, so you can map where to go.

Regulated Parent..Calm Kids

We can reset your stress platform using polyvagal and somatic exercises.. but more importantly, we can reset your CHILD'S stress platform too..

And we can then create new baselines so the whole family is operating from a place of regulation and connection rather than overwhelm and disconnect.

Regulated Parents.. Calm Kids is a 4 week coaching course designed with the overwhelmed parent in mind. During these 4 weeks, we reset your baseline and show you ways to parent from a place of connection. 

You can change your neurology to improve your vagal tone and reset the platform that you’re living and parenting from. When you give your own nervous system space, you can hold the space for your child - even in those challenging moments.

If this sounds like the tonic your nervous system needs, we’d love you to join us in our upcoming “container” - details here.

You’d be so welcome.


ps. Not a parent but work with children in an educational setting? You may prefer our Regulated Teachers course.

Step out of overwhelm and into regulation. Courses designed for the parent and teacher in mind. Regulation using polyvagal theory, ritual, rhythm and play. You are so welcome.

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