Help! My baby isn't crawling

baby brains baby development crawling first year natural movement patterns Sep 13, 2022

Symmetrical Crawling is a huge milestone that we are VERY excited to reach.. babies included! From a developmental perspective, it is a very important one to reach before walking starts.

Ideally, we would like to see crawling around 6-8 months old so they get a good four to six months of crawling in before attempts to walk happen.

A baby who is experiencing an interference to development can develop unusual ways to crawl - butt shuffling, crab crawling, bear walking or commando (although commando is a natural movement pattern that comes before crawling, the key is that is doesn't hang around too long).


Why the hype around crawling?

Crawling helps to co-ordinate the left and right sides of the brain. Simultaneously, this in turn helps to create new nerve pathways that are important for later motor development and cognitive development.

It also helps with

  • eye tracking
  • reflex integration (which can impact learning)
  • hand-eye co-ordination
  • depth perception
  • muscle tone
  • shoulder girdle strength (which will impact handwriting)

There are many factors that will contribute to delayed or unusual patterns of crawling.

Proactive Things to do to Prepare for Crawling:

  • Hold off on things like bouncers, walkers and jolly jumpers. Baby will move to be upright when they have the nerve pathways and core strength to support this.
  • Ensure baby gets plenty of unrestricted floor time. This ensures they can move freely.. remember - movement drives brain development.
  • Have your baby checked by a pediatric chiropractor. This will ensure the brain is getting the proper feedback from the body and vice versa.
  • Be proactive in regards to shoulder tone. If baby struggles lifting themselves up when they are on their tummy, or consistently gets an arm trapped when they are attempting to roll, have their shoulders checked by a pediatric chiropractor (or your preferred holistic provider). Shoulder tone is key for movement and getting a strong foundation in babyhood will set them up for life.
  • Ensure they have a safe space to explore in. Hardwood floors or concrete tiles will not be comfortable for baby to explore moving their body. If you do not have a carpeted area, place a yoga mat or gym mat down on the floor so they have a little more padding.


What should we do if baby is NOT crawling?

  • First, decide if it's even an issue. Are they happy and progressing naturally through their other milestones and natural movement patterns? If so, then patience is key here! If you want to ensure that nothing is impacting them, I'd recommend having a check up with a pediatric chiropractor.
  • If baby is butt scooting around, encourage them to be on all fours. Stair climbing is great for this - it's hard to go up a flight of stairs on their bottom! Making obstacles that they have to climb over is a great way to encourage them to stop butt shuffling.
  • You can also crawl over top of baby if they want to be on their bottoms and scoot around. Come over top of them in all fours, this will encourage them to do the same, then, crawl together on the floor. You can also recruit older (responsible!) siblings here.
  • Get back to your basics. Do your ball rocking and deep pressure massage - really focus on the shoulders, arms and legs for your massage. Get complimentary access to this here  if you don't know what I'm talking about!
  • Ensure the environment is conducive to crawling. Is there open space? Is the surface soft enough for them to comfortably explore getting up on their knees? Do they have enough free, unrestricted, uninterrupted TIME on the floor?
  • If baby is getting up on their hands and knees but just not putting it together or getting frustrated, you can do crawling practice with them. You will find this inside your More than Milestones course.


What if my baby has already moved on to walking without crawling?

  • Don't panic! While crawling is hugely beneficial for brain development, it's not a health hazard if they don't crawl. The best way to counter any potential delays from not crawling, I find it helpful to think about the benefits of crawling and track back. This looks like:
    • Playing crawling games. Be a lion, puppy, kitten or animal of your choice. Crawl around on the ground together and play.
    • Do Cat/Cow poses together. Really arch the back up when you tuck your chin and look right up when you drop your back down again. You can use your hands on your child to support this.
    • Encourage hand-eye co-ordination with passing, catching and kicking games.
    • Encourage long eye movements - go outside and watch the clouds, watch birds flight paths or find planes in the sky. These long, broad movements are very helpful for brain development.
    • Ensure shoulder tone is good. Encourage monkey bars, climbing, swinging, wheelbarrow races. Good shoulder tone is KEY for strong brains and body's later in life.


Do you still have questions around crawling? You will find an entire module on crawling inside More than Milestones. Please feel free to use the contact page to find out if it is appropriate for your baby's stage and development.

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