Let's face it - aspiring to be calm parent is great.. until you lose it. What if we told you that being calm is not the goal and it will only set you up for failure?

Instead of telling you to be "calm" we SHOW you what regulation is and how to get it - by helping you befriend your nervous system in a simple and practical way through polyvagal theory.

Then we will guide you to embody these practices by integrating ritual, rhythm and play - leading to a connected, regulated family. Embrace a connected, regulated life.




We've all been there.. Some days just flow. The kids play happily, we feel calm and at peace, we are empowered and completely rocking this parenting gig. And then other days just start off as a struggle. You feel tired and overwhelmed, the kids are running around going crazy, they stop listening, the only way you can get them to take action and help is by yelling. You yell, one kid starts crying, another shuts down, the other yells back.. you get triggered, anxious, at a loss for what to do or perhaps even more enraged and things start to spiral.. sound familiar?

Join Dr. Kate Anderson and Kimberley Crisp for their one-of-a-kind 4 part coaching program. Dr. Kate will explore with you how "misbehaviours" and losing it are signs of an overwhelmed nervous system. We will teach you how to anchor into your nervous system to create more balance (and more gap between calm and "losing it").  Discover what a stress platform is, how your childs behaviour is a direct reflection of this and how we can foster nervous system regulation in ourselves and within our children.

Kimberley Crisp is a play and ritual expert who has spent over 30 years supporting children, parents, and teachers will be focusing on the role of rhythm and ritual in our children lives, how these are the keys to co-regulation and how PLAY is one of the most important vehicles for supporting children to become self-regulated.

This 4 part course is the first and only of it's kind. The unique pairing of nervous system regulation, play and ritual has been lovingly curated by Kate and Kimberley, drawing on decades of experience.

Regulated parents.. contented children.. connected families. This is possible for you and we'd love to have you join us.

Week 1: Your Nervous System

& Co-Regulation


What is a stress response? What is regulation? We answer these questions with a nervous-system focus and introduce how we can live through a lens of the nervous system to bring about compassion. We learn what forms the platform of our child's nervous system. We also go over what the different stress responses are and how we can identify which one we are in. Finally, we touch on triggers and bring about awareness around why we get triggered by our children's behaviour (loud, aggressive, whining) and how we can neutralise this response in our nervous system.

Week 2: Stress Platforms, archetypes and the role of the Vagus nerve.


Together we look into our own stress platform, where it is and how it came to be there. We cover the role of the vagus nerve and how we can use specific exercises to improve our vagal tone to reset our stress platform and create more space within our own nervous systems (increasing that gap between calm & losing it).

We also look at the different stress archetypes for children, how to identify where our child goes when they are overwhelmed and how to bring them back.


Week 3: Ritual, Rhythm & Presence


We've covered how to regulate our internal environment by regulating our nervous system and increasing our vagal tone and nervous system balance. Now we regulate our external environment and promote a feeling of safety in our nervous systems with rhythm and ritual.  We will work with ‘Biology as the blueprint’ when supporting and creating Rituals and Rhythm's. We cover the positive implications of stress and how we can use it to create a calm and connected household.

Finally, we give you practical ways to simply elevate your day to day experiences in a simple by powerful way.

I'm In!

Week 4: Play & Pottering


Here we dive deep into how we can move your child out of their stress response and into a regulated state through play. You will get practical tools for creating an environment that is reflective of children's play needs, while still maintaining the environment that works for YOU (i.e how to set up your environment so you don't get overwhelmed by the MESS). We continue to build upon our own nervous system regulation to create space within yourself so you can hold space for your child. We will cover how we can use PLAY, ritual and simple vagal exercises to process stress, balance behaviour and create a calm, happy household for everyone - adults included.

Yes I need this!


Nurturers, caregivers and experts at "holding the space", we are both so incredibly happy you are here to discover how you can take the reigns of your nervous system to find your way back to a life of regulation.

Both of us have spent our careers supporting children (in a childcare setting and in a clinical setting) and in our processes, we always return full-circle to where the parent's nervous system is operating. On top of our professional experience - we really do live this life and walk the talk - we are in it with you! We are so honoured to have you embark on this journey of self-discovery and nervous system nourishment to find your sweet spot of "grace and ease".  

"I have noticed that there is space between myself and the kids emotions and I am able to "keep my cool" for much longer and just see it for what it is." - C. Mother of 3. (NZ)

"I've noticed such a difference in our children as I process trapped energy in my nervous system, being more present, talking to me about how they feel rather than reacting. They are returning to [balance] was faster after getting dysregulated"
A. Mother of 2 (NZ)

 The course is firstly 100% value for money, so incredibly informative and has made me understand how we, as humans work emotionally.

I would flip out at my kids once I would reach my limit (and some days that limit was low) and I would wollow in guilt and shame immediately afterwards. I always thought wtf is wrong with me, why can’t I just be the mum I desire and know I can be.
I’d almost know exactly would I ‘should’ve‘ done or said in ‘that’ situation but I did the complete opposite.

If this has ever been you… I urge you to make the life changing investment for you and your children! It’s changed me, my parenting, my children and brought so much more awareness and joy to my life.

Kate and Kimberly are so supportive, non-judgmental and have the best nurturing solutions and advice!     Suzy W

I have always wondered how to 'do the work' everyone talks of. I am reflective, open and am always researching/ talking about parenting strategies and my own mental wellbeing. But I was also wondering is this what people mean? Am I doing enough? When I saw this course I thought yes, maybe this is my answer! Kate and Kimberly are both so knowledgeable. they have a passion for their work and are both such experts in their field. This collaboration worked so well and I always felt supported, understood and equipped with the knowledge and tools I needed to move forwards and make sustainable positive change for both me and my whanau. I want to say I've completed the course but really I don't feel I have, this is a lifetime investment, and I plan or revise, review and revisit the content again and again. Thank you so much Kate and Kimberley, you're both such shining lights. 
Kate K





Step into regulation, discover how to meet your child where they are at and create space in your own nervous system so you can roll with the waves of your day. We know time is limited with a young family so it's all designed to be incorporated seamlessly in an already busy life.



This nourishing container consists of 4 parts of recorded content for you to watch at your own pace, a weekly reflection workbook for you to implement what we're covering and live group coaching / Q&A calls with Kate and Kimberley (which are recorded if you cannot make it live). All within a supportive community where you can ask questions and support each other as we go.

Registration is open. We start September 18, 2024.